Understanding the health needs of Kainai now and into the future. We want YOU if you:
Are a registered member of Kainai Nation (Blood Band 148) Self-identify as one of the following: Elder, Women, Men, Youth (16-25 years of age), or an Individual living with a chronic condition or/and their caregiver. It is hoped that the data collected will inform the development of the Kainai Health Services Plan that promotes Kainai health equity and will provide an opportunity for the voices of the nation to be heard during this process. Participation is voluntary and confidential.
Date: January 29, 2025
Time: 1.5 to 2 hours (Exact time provided upon registration)
Location: Standoff
Details: Share your experiences and insights to help shape the future of Kainai health services. Meal and childcare provided.
Register: Email melissa.shouting@uleth.ca or call 403-317-2889.
Open to all registered members of Kainai Nation who identify as Women.