About Us ● kiistoonoon

The BTDH was incorporated in 1983 under formally Canada Corporations Act now Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act and is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of elected and appointed directors as follows:
- Three Directors (“Class B”) who are members of the Blood Tribe Council appointed by the Council for a term coinciding to the term of this office;
- Three Directors (“Class A”) who are members of the Blood Tribe elected to represent members of the Blood Indian Reserve for a term of 4 years; and
- One Director who is appointed by the Board for a term of approximately 1 year.
The current Blood Tribe Department of Health Board of Directors are:
- Ponokaiksiksinam Martin Heavy Head, Chairperson
- Taatsiikiipoyii Charles Weasel Head, Vice Chairperson
- Piinaakoyim Tail Feathers, Secretary Treasurer
- Iitoominnimaakii Maria Russell
- Akok Piitah’komii John J. Little Bear
- Aapiksisskstakiaakii Crystal Day Chief
- Tsuaakii Shannon Wells