Programs ● Niitaawataopi
Home Care
Monday – Friday | 8:30 a.m to 4:30 p.m.
Contact: 403-737-2040
The Blood Tribe Department of Health Home Care program offers services to help Blood Tribe Community members with daily living activities and medical needs. This type of care is typically aimed at individuals who require assistance due to age, illness, disability, or recovery from surgery.
Cultural atmosphere is a key component of this program.
BTDH Home Care offers:
- Nursing Services: Our Nursing team provides medical and personal care to clients to support chronic illness, disabilities or those recovering from surgery or other medical procedures, allowing them to live independently while receiving the necessary care.
- Alternate Living Options: In consultation with family, physicians and clients, we can provide resources and referrals for Continuing Care on reserve or at a facility that best meets the needs and level of care our clients require.
- Foot Care Service: Proper foot care is essential for maintaining mobility, preventing discomfort, and avoiding serious health complications, particularly for those with underlying health conditions. We provide services in Standoff on Wednesdays and Levern Clinic on Tuesdays.
- Occupational Therapy: Our occupational therapist works with clients who have physical impairments to improve their ability to perform daily activities or to support their needs by providing mobility and home safety equipment.
- Physiotherapy: Physiotherapists offer service 2 days a week to help clients restore movement and function, improve mobility, and maintain overall physical health.
- Social Work Service: Medical social workers will advocate, consult and counsel, to help with guardianship/trusteeship applications for our clients
- Whirlpool Services: our HCA’s can assist Elderly clients with whirlpool baths or showers in the Standoff and Levern clinics
- Palliative Care Service: We provide services aimed at improving the quality of life for patients with serious, chronic, or life-threatening illnesses, including relief from symptoms, pain, and stress, regardless of the stage of the disease or the need for other therapies intended to cure.
Wound Care: The Wound Care Specialist is located at the Levern clinic Monday- Friday. The goal is to promote wound healing, early detection and prevention of infections. Providing a resource to the community members and those working with the community members regarding the prevention, treatment and management of acute and chronic wounds in partnership with the greater health care team.Wound Care specialist Services include:
- Lower leg assessments (ABI, TBI, PPG)
- Wound assessments and wound care protocols
- Conservative sharp wound debridement
Foot care
Referral Process:
Home Care Program has an open referral system. A Registered Nurse will assess all referrals which may be made by the individual themselves, family members, friends, physicians, or other agencies.
These services are provided to Blood Tribe Community members living on reserve:
- Living on the Blood Reserve
- Discharged from hospital and require follow up
- Choosing to live at home, as long as they are safe, and services can meet their needs
- Living with an illness or disease and require monitoring and follow up
- Living with a disability and require assistance to live independently.
The Home Care and Health Care Aide staff will not:
- Perform any housekeeping services
- Take out garbage, and/or other objects
- Enter a home if there is the presence of a person or persons who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Assist anyone else in the home, as the Nursing staff are there for the client only
- Keep client admitted to program if continuously missing services and/or not informing staff
- Go on home visits, if the weather is bad and/or bad road conditions
The Home Care program is a privilege, not a right.
The vision of the Health Care Aide Program is to achieve and maintain well-being and personal independence in a self-sustaining community.
BTDH HCA program provides:
- Whirlpool baths (prescription required)
- In-clinic and/or in-home shower assistance
Admission to the HCA program is completed by the HCA supervisor. Upon admission, a schedule will be given for whirlpool times. Transportation is available to clients admitted to the program for services. Vital signs are monitored with each visit.
Referral Process:
Health Care Aide Program has an open referral system. The HCA Supervisor will assess all referrals which may be made by the individual themselves, family members, friends, physicians and/or other agencies.
Who can benefit from the HCA program?
Persons of any age living on reserve who require assistance with:
- In-clinic and/or in-home show assistance
- Activities in daily living or respite assistance in-home
- Nail care and/or foot care
- Incontinence supplies
- Meal preparation
- Pallative care assistance in-home